CAM KẾT HÀNG CHẤT LƯỢNGnguồn gốc, xuất xứ sản phẩm rõ ràng BẢO HÀNH 12 THÁNGđối với sản phẩm mới MIỄN PHÍ GIAO HÀNG TẠI HCMquyền lợi tối đa cho khách hàng

Watch on YouTube here: The Hand Pallet Truck Chock
via Channel Name (or Channel URL) Order online at Have you ever experienced hand pallet trucks rolling off loading bays? Loose pallet trucks causing damage to vehicles or freight during transit? The pallet truck stop is designed to secure unladen hand pallet trucks and prevent them for rolling away in loading areas or moving around in vehicles. Loose hand pallet trucks in any environment will pose a safety threat and may cause damage to vehicles or freight, as well as the truck whilst in transit. The durable plastic construction makes it a very cost effective solution. Suitable for use with all our standard hand pallet trucks Order online at


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