CAM KẾT HÀNG CHẤT LƯỢNGnguồn gốc, xuất xứ sản phẩm rõ ràng BẢO HÀNH 12 THÁNGđối với sản phẩm mới MIỄN PHÍ GIAO HÀNG TẠI HCMquyền lợi tối đa cho khách hàng

Watch on YouTube here: Fix Pallet Truck Lifting Part 3 - Clean hydraulic valve
via Channel Name (or Channel URL) If the pallet truck drops down immediately after being lifted up, or it lifts without load but won't lift with load: Take out the part in video above, press the handle several times to let out some oil and impurities and put back the parts in original sequence to fix the issue. Generally cleaning the hydraulic valve as shown in video will solve problem. If not, need to replace the whole hydraulic valve assembly (not just the screw taken out in the video).


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